Effective Pain Management options for laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal treatments can sometimes be an uncomfortable experience, and each person will tolerate the sensation of the laser differently. Luckily, there are numerous methods available to alleviate the discomfort typically associated with laser tattoo removal.

Anaesthetic Cream

One of the most popular approaches for alleviating discomfort during laser tattoo removal is the use of numbing cream, which can be purchased from most pharmacies prior to your treatment.
I recommend Numit numbing cream - Numit contains a harmonious combination of lidocaine 2.5% w/w (also called lignocaine) and prilocaine 2.5% w/w. Studies have shown that this combination of local anaesthetics can penetrate the skin and target nerve endings. This helps stop pain signals from starting and spreading.
To get optimal results from your numbing cream, we recommend generously coating the tattooed area approximately 2 hours prior to your appointment, ensuring thorough coverage and then wrapping the treated area in cling wrap. This ensures the numbing cream stays in place, and also enhances the absorption of it into the skin.
Numbing cream works by obstructing nerve signals in the skin, therefore dulling any sensation in the area during the laser treatment.
Please note that while these application instructions are what we typically recommend, for the safety of you and your skin you should always be mindful of your pharmacist’s instructions and manufacturer precautions.


Although cooling machines are popular, I find ice packs just as effective, and easier to manage while focusing on the laser treatment. into each of our treatments. Ice packs cool the skin to negate the hot sensation commonly experienced during a laser treatment.
This can also provide a numbing effect to the surface minimising some discomfort.
Additional benefits include minimising swelling, which can aid in speeding up recovery times.

Distractions – Let’s help your brain forget the discomfort

Communication doesn’t just need to stop at the point of requesting breaks during your treatments.
If you have a preferred method of distraction that will assist you during your appointments, I am more than happy to assist accommodating them!
- Listen to music
- Watch your favourite clips
- Squeeze a stress ball
- Bring a friend
- AND… Did I mention I talk A LOT?!

Whatever your preferred method of distraction may be, please don’t hesitate to share – I like to think this is a judgement free zone and your needs are met during your laser journey. If you’re not sure what might help, just ask me!

Physical and Psychological Preparation – Don’t forget this step!

When preparing for your laser tattoo removal treatments, both physical and mental well-being plays a huge part in ensuring optimal comfort and recovery.
Hydration plays a key role in laser tattoo removal; consuming plenty of water before and after your appointment will aid in skin healing and can assist with swelling - therefore reducing discomfort.
If you are feeling run down, sick, or hungover, do not be afraid to reschedule your appointment; these are not a good recipe for a successful and comfortable treatment.
Understanding that some discomfort is normal can also help you mentally prepare and cope better during the treatment. To ease any anxiety that might accompany this fact, you are more than welcome to bring along a loved one for support.
By prioritizing hydration and mental preparedness, you are laying the groundwork for a more comfortable and effective laser tattoo removal experience.

Ladies, timing is everything!

For women, timing can be everything.
During your menstrual cycle your sensory system may be more highly tuned than usual, making your treatments feel more intense the week before your period is due.
I am more than happy to reschedule to a time more suitable for you, however if you are keen to stick to your scheduled appointment time despite your cycle - please feel free to incorporate as many of the coping techniques we have covered so far in this blog. We understand just how different things can feel around this time.

Post treatment care

Effective post-treatment care is key to avoiding pain associated with the healing stage of laser tattoo removal, while also promoting faster healing. Sticking to the aftercare advice, you can significantly reduce discomfort throughout the recovery process. Utilizing recommended aftercare products such as Medi Pulv antiseptic Powder & Medi Creme antiseptic cream can provide soothing relief to the skin, easing any post-procedure discomfort.
Additionally, techniques like elevating & icing treated areas to prevent excess swelling and prioritising rest will further aid in reducing pain and accelerating healing.
Our aftercare instructions ensure proper healing and minimizes discomfort, ultimately leading to a more comfortable and successful laser tattoo removal experience.

Want to know more?

Call: 0416 720 474

Email: hello@flashbackltr.com.au


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